
I’m a political science PhD candidate at the University of Pittsburgh and a lecturer at the University of Costa Rica, focusing on comparative political behavior with a regional focus on Latin America. My dissertation focuses on the use of social media for electoral campaigning by political parties in developing countries, particularly in Central America. I have an MA from the University of Pittsburgh and received my undergraduate degrees from the University of Costa Rica. My broader research agenda has focused on protest politics and party competition. Methods-wise, I am interested in the use of statistical and data science methods, including text as data, spatial and time-series econometrics, hierarchichal models and machine learning. My work has been published in Latin American, Spanish, and American journals, including Legislative Studies Quarterly and Latin American Politics and Society.

Download my CV.

  • MA in Political Science, 2020

    University of Pittsburgh

  • Lic. in Political Science, 2017

    University of Costa Rica

  • BA in Political Science, 2015

    University of Costa Rica
